Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stain & Polyurethane: Finishing the Hill Country Manor

Putting some finishing touches on The Hill Country Manor Table Top. Have started on another one and two more to do before Thanksgiving. Have put a hold on taking any more orders until after Thanksgiving. Might have some time to do one or two over the Holidays, but we'll see how it goes. Have had to turn down several already, (and/or put them on a waitlist for now). Unfortunately, just cannot do it all. Kids, Family-time, Work, School, and this is just a hobby! Can't let myself become a slave to something I enjoy so much. Going to reinforce the "Quality over Quantity" principle going forward.

Was hoping to have a chance to build a new table for ourselves by now, but have just been too busy with clients' projects. Really appreciate everyone's patience so far. It doesn't go unnoticed, I always find a way to make it up somehow.

Thanks again.

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